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Q: How high a temperature can cactus survive?
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How does exposure affect the growth of trees?

Exposure or the Climate affect the growth of Fruit trees because some other fruits grow only on low temperature places. Some other can survive on high temperature places such as cactus, many cactus grow on dessert. The tree you will plant must be planted according to the temperature it can adapt.Nicole:)mwuapx.

Why are cactus formed on deserts?

Cactus remain in the desert because they can survive in harsh environments. Cactus plants have the ability to collect all the water they can get, and store it inside them for months on end. The "thorns" or "pricks" of the cactus, protect the plant from animals who might want to eat it.Cactus is formed in the desert due to scarecity of water, high temperature and less organic matter in the soil.

Can spores survive high temperature?

It depends on the temperature, but at high oven temperature some do, but the majority are killed.

Why does not cactus survive in north?

no,a cactus can't survive in northpole because it will become frozen and it would die. Cactus can almostly survive in any climate. In northpole it is very cold and the cactus is not adapted to low temperatures. Cactus need warmth and in northpole there is freezing weather and freezing water, cactus can't survive in northpole.

Can a cactus survive in the hottest part of the desert?

yes a cactus will survive because it stores water in its trunk for when it needs it most

How do Mexican poppies survive in the desert?

They survive by doing what a cactus does

Can cactus survive in north pole?


How can Cacti survive in the desert?

A cactus doesn't really need much water to survive, and unlike many other plants, a large amount of sun and temperature changes is something this plant is used to.

Did cactus survive in the north?

Yes, some species of cactus can survive quite far north and are able to tolerate all but the coldest of temperatures.

How does the very long roots of the cactus plant enable the plant to survive in very dry conditions?

when the cactus is none of sun it can survive

What trees and plants can survive in a dresert?


Why does a root of a cactus help it to survive in its normal habitat?

because it helps bring precipitation to the cactus...