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Q: How high above sea level is North Ridge California?
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What is the longest mountain ridge above sea level?

South Fork Mountain (AKA Pilot Ridge) on the border of Trinity and Humboldt Counties in Northern California.

Are North America and Africa the same distance from the Mid-Atlantic ridge?

Africa is 2,400 km from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and North America is 3,000 km from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at its closest point. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is part of the longest mountain chain in the world. Most of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is under water, but parts of the elevation extend above sea level.

Is Corona California above or below sea level?

Above. Corona, California is 678 feet (206 meters) above sea level

What is California elevation above sea level?

Anaheim, California is 157 feet (48 meters) above sea level

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It ranges from sea level to 520 feet above sea level.

What is the height above sea level for Cerritos California?

Cerritos, California is 34 feet (14 meters) above sea level

What is anahiem California's elevation above sea level?

Anaheim, California has an elevation of approximately 157 feet (48 meters) above sea level.

How high above sea level is lancaster california?

Lancaster, California is 2,359 feet (719 meters) above sea level

How high above sea level is Gardena California?

Gardena, California is 49 feet (15 meters) above sea level

How far below sea level is the peak of the Mid-Ocean Ridge?

The highest peaks of the ridge average about 2500 meters below sea level (2.5 kilometers), while Iceland is part of the ridge above sea level. Parts of the ridge are more than 4000 meters below MSL.

How high above sea level is Sacramento California?

Yes, Sacramento is about 25 feet above sea level

How high above sea level is Inglewood California?

It is about 131 feet above sea level.