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Q: How high does baking powder make cupcake rise?
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Can you combine baking soda and baking powder to cup cake and what is amount of two?

Baking soda is already an ingredient of baking powder so by mixing the two you would be simply changing the proportion of baking soda to baking powder. It will make no real difference to the outcome if you make up the volume of raising agent the recipe calls for with any proportion of baking powder to baking soda. As a safeguard you may like to add a teaspoon of white vinegar or a tablespoon of yoghurt or buttermilk to a cupcake recipe made with baking soda - the acid in the vinegar/yoghurt/buttermilk will react with the Soda to release carbon dioxide which will make you cupcakes rise.

Can you use baking powder to make crack?

You cannot use baking powder as a substitute for baking soda

Does baking powder make brownies fluffy?

No, baking powder is what makes cakes rise.

Does baking powder or baking soda make things thicker?

If your talking about food i would use flour to make things thicker not baking powder and definitely not baking use that to make CRACK...

How do you make backing powder?

You probably mean baking powder.

Can I make banana bread with just baking powder alone and not baking soda to?

CCan I use baking powder in banana bread

How long does it takes to make a cupcake?

depends what kind of muffins u are baking

How much baking powder to make 5 teaspoons of baking soda?

You cannot use baking powder as a substitute for baking soda.

Can you still make corndog batter without baking soda or baking powder?

yes you can but the coat around the hot dog will not be as this thick as it is with baking powder or baking soda

Does baking powder make a flower die?

Baking powder makes most types of flowers die, this is because of the chemicals used in the baking powder. If you want to clear your garden, you can actually use baking powder! It doesn't work on weeds though.

Can you sub regular baking powder for double acting baking powder?

All baking powder is double acting, It is just called that to make it sound better. Baking powder causes lift from both moisture and heat, that's the double acting.

What is the purposed of baking powder?

the purpose of baking powder in a cake is to make it rise and not make it flat and if you put too much of baking powder your cake might burst in the oven/microwave what ever you use