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Q: How high is Mount Adams in Washington?
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In which state is Mount Adams located?


Where is mount Adams?

Mount Adams is in the U.S. state of Washington 34 miles east of Mount St. Helens and about 85 miles southeast of Olympia.

What cities are closest to Mount Adams?

The nearest city to Mount Adams is Trout Lake, Washington. There is a lake at the base of Mount Adams that is also called Trout Lake.

Facts about the volcanoe adams?

Mount Adams is the most active volcano in Washington state. The summit of Mount Adams contains a large section of unstable altered rock that can spawn future debris avalanches.

How high is Mt Washington?

Mount Washington is 6,288 ft (1,917 m) high

What is highest mountain in Washington?

Mt. Rainier, Register Rock and Point Success are the three highest mountains in Washington state.

Is Mount Adams a volcano?

Yes, Mount Adams is a volcano

What continent is mount Adams on?

what continent is mount adams located on

Why can't volcanoes exist in the Cascade Range of Washington State?

Washington State has several volcanoes. The most popular of which is Mt. St. Helens, known for it's eruption in May of 1980. Mt Rainier (another popular attraction in Washington) is also a volcano, however it is dormant and is labeled 'safe.' Other dormant volcanoes in Washington include Mt. Baker, Glacier Peak and Mt. Adams.

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John Adams – Quincy, Massachusetts

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