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The temperature range on the northern border near the Kimberley at Halls Creek is around 37 to 38 °C (99 to 100 °F). Regions further south average 38 to 42 °C (100 to 108 °F).

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Q: How hot is it in the Great Sandy Desert?
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What type of desert is the Great Sandy?

The Great Sandy Desert is a hot subtropical desert.

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If this question refers to the Great Sandy Desert of Australia, it is a hot desert. All of Australia's deserts are hot.

Is the Great Sandy Desert a hot desert or a cold desert?

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The largest hot desert in the world is the Sahara desert

What is the climate like in the Great Sandy Desert in Australia?

The Great Sandy Desert in Australia has a hot desert climate, characterized by very hot temperatures during the day and cooler temperatures at night. Rainfall is sparse and unpredictable, resulting in arid conditions with low humidity. Sand dunes and scrubland dominate the landscape in this region.

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The Little Sandy Dessert is located in Western Australia south of the great Sandy Desert. It was formed when the hot moist air rose at the equator, leaving hot dry air behind.

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There are no coyotes in the Great Sandy Desert. The Great Sandy desert is in Australia, and Australia has no coyotes at all.

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The Great Sandy Desert lies north of the Great Victoria Desert.

Which is further north-the Great Sandy Desert or the Great Victoria Desert?

The Great Sandy Desert is furthest north.

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The Great Sandy Desert is in Australia.

Which desert lies between the Great Sandy Desert and the Great Victoria Desert in WA?

The Gibson Desert is located between the Great Sandy Desert and the Great Victoria Desert.

Is the Great Sandy Desert a rainforest?

The Great Sandy Desert is a desert, almost the complete opposite of a rainforest.