

How hot where lions live?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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about 100 degrees

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Chris Smith

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2y ago
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Q: How hot where lions live?
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Why can lions live in a hot climate?

because they live in hot climate

Why do lions like where they live?

because it is hot

What kind of areas do lions live in?

Hot ones

How hot do lions live in?

About 100 degree weather

What type of climate does the lion live in?

the lions live in very hot places like in africa or other countries very hot

What biome does the cougar live?

Mountain lions live in a variety of habitats from the cold coniferous forests to the hot deserts and hot, steamy rain forests.

What other animals live in this environment?

camels and lions because they like it in the hot environments.

Why do lions live in jungles?

Lions are perfectly designed for life on the plains. Their coloration blends in well with grass there, and living in prides helps them to obtain prey in areas that do not provide much cover. They also like the hot weather.yes lions do live in the Savannah

Why do lions like the hot climate?

Lions live in Africa because the climate is ideal for their survival. Also, their major food sources are located there.

Do lions live in the safari?

yes lions live in the safari

In what climate do lions live?

African lions live in hot, dry climates in Africa. They spend most of their day sleeping under the cool shade of trees. But these great beasts do not mind heat and can be found roaming plains, marshes, and grasslands throughout Africa. If you mean the mountain lion, or cougar, then they live on the sloping, rocky sides of mountains where they hunt prey like mountain goats. Cougars do not mind the cold.

Why can lions live in jungles?

well lion's are warm blodded like humans so if they were to live in Antarctica they wold probably die. they can live in jungle because it's usally hot and wet there.