

How igneous rick can form into sedimentary rock?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How igneous rick can form into sedimentary rock?
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No, it's not a sedimentary rock, it is an igneous rock. :)

How does igneous rock change to sedimentary?

Sedimentary rock melts, then it cools to form Igneous rock. Hoped this helped. :)

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Igneous rocks

When magma cools and hardens does it form igneous rock sedimentary rock or metamorphic rock?

igneous rock.

Why do rock fossils form in sedimentary rock and not in igneous rock?

because sedimentary rocks are on the top layer, while igneous rocks are were the magma is

Does sedimentary rock form igneous rock?

Yes it can form an igneous rocks as because of pressure it may melt and form into igneous rocks.

What type of rock can only be formed from sedimentary rock or igneous rock?

Metamorphic rock can form from igneous and sedimentary rock. It can also form from previously metamorphosed rock into a higher grade metamorphic rock.

Where can strata can be found sedimentary rock or igneous rock?

Sedimentary Rock. Strata is layers of sedimentary rock that form from the deposition of sediment.

What kind rocks can the igneous rock form?


How does sedimentary rock form to metamorphic rock?

Shale (a metamorphic rock) goes through heat and pressure than it turns into slate (a sedimentary rock)

How does a sedimentary rock contain pieces of igneous rocks?

Igneous rock pieces can stick together through cementation to form sedimentary rocks.

What kind of rock does Igneous rock eventually form?

Sedimentary or metamorphic.