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Without a fixed Point of Reference, there is nothing to be relative to.

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Q: How important the point reference?
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Why is it important know if your reference point is moving?

It's important to know that you reference point is moving because if an object is in motion and if it changes position it is relevant to a reference point.

Why is it important to know that your reference point is moving?

If your reference point it moving, then it cannot be considered a reference point. Your reference point should be something constant. Something that can be relative to any situation. If it moves, you lose this relativity.

Why is a refrence point important?

the reference point is important because it depends on the posistion and the motion on your movent

Why is it important to know if your reference point is moving?

I think it's important to know if your reference point moves because your reference point is the object that's not supposed to move and if it moves it will mess up your hypothesis of thinking that your 1st object moves. It takes a while to completely understand the answer, or even the question

Why is the reference important in order to describe motion?

Motion is always relative, depending on the reference point. If a tree is the reference point, then the car zooming past will be moving. But, if you use the car as the reference point, then it seems as though the tree is zooming past.

Why is it important to know if a reference point is moving?

I Dont know thats why im asking it!!

Why is the origin important when graphing points on the coordinate plane?

It is because all measurements are taken from that point: it is the fixed point of reference.

What is the purpose of a reference point?

A reference point helps to explain why we are, where we are.

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Where an object is with regard to a reference point is what?

Its position, relative to the point of reference.

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That's the boiling point of water, one of the reference points of the scale.

Why is mission stament important to the strategic marketing process?

It serves as a good reference-point - to remind you of where you came in.