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The charge travels through the wires to the loads from the power source where then it powers all the loads connected on the wire. This is beneficial, but also it has its disadvantages. When one of the loads (light bulb) goes out all of the loads connected to the wire go out, instead of where in a parallel circuit the branch that has that load that went out dies. The better choice would be a parallel circuit.

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Q: How in energy transferred in simple circuits?
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How is energy transferred in simple system?


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Using a parallel circuit energy can be transferred through a parallel circuit.

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it is transferred by chemical energy stored in the circuit to electrical energy which lights the bulb creating light energy then heat energy chemical energy -> electrical energy -> light energy -> heat energy p.s. I'm twelve and learned this during may i guess I'm going to pass my physics and chemistry test

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Simple electronic circuits are used in simple electronic devices.

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The rate at which energy is transferred is called POWER

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Yes, energy can be transferred that way.