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Q: How internet shopping affect motorway traffic?
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How do internet shopping affect city centre air pollution?

It can reduce air pollution if lots of people use Internet shopping, because the company may deploy one large truck to deliver all their goods. Whereas lots of people would have gone shopping and causes air pollution in their individual vehicles. Internet shopping should also reduce traffic, which one reason why there is a lot of pollution. If there are not enough people doing Internet shopping then it could cause more pollution. I hope this helped :)

How may e-commerce affect the future of shopping?

Almost everyone nowdays buy things from the Internet, so E-commerce will be the main channel of shopping.

When was the first motorway opened in Britain what affect did it have on people travelling?

The first motorway was opened in 1959 and it didn't have much effect on people.

How is the economy going to affect this years holiday's shopping trends?

I believe that Internet revenues will go up due to the restrictions that window shopping may have on comparison pricing. Shoppers will be looking for ways to save and the Internet is a powerful tool for the consumer.

How did the first motorway in Britain affect travelling?

Journey times became shorter.

How did the first motorway in Britain affect Britain?

Journey times became shorter.

How do traffic problems affect you?

my answer is that the air pollution can affect you like smoke from fire can cause lung cancer and traffic can affect business like when traffic you can be late for work because there is traffic

Would a motorway affect a habitat?

Yes. The presence of the concrete, and macadam surfaces would destroy the previously existing habitat and the passage of traffic would destroy all animals straying onto or over the road surface. In short a moterway can not be a habitat of any real sort.

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It causes traffic jams..there will be more pollution.

If you get a warning on a traffic violation in Massachusetts does it affect your record?

to answer your question no it does not affect your record

What traffic offenses affect insurance?

every traffic offense affect your license. Although, you may want to check your state laws, as it may vary depending on where you live.

How does building shopping malls affect the environment of the city?

Habitat Destruction