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"Leaves of Grass" is considered an epic poem due to its expansive treatment of diverse themes, its celebration of democracy and individualism, and its grand scope that captures the essence of America as a nation. Through its innovative use of free verse and exploration of different poetic forms, Walt Whitman creates a sweeping and inclusive vision of the human experience.

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Q: How is Leaves of Grass an epic poem?
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What literally devices are in the poem leaves of grass?

which one leaves of grass is a collection of MANY different poems there are 400 poems in the leaves of grass poem collection

Who wrote ''leave of grass''poem?

It is not an actual poem, rather a series of Poems by Walt Whitman in a book. He named the book Leaves of Grass. He revised the poems and added more into the novel all the way up until his death.

Which poet envisioned his work as an epic that would speak for the collective American experience?

Walt Whitman envisioned his work "Leaves of Grass" as an epic poem that would capture the essence of the American experience and celebrate democracy, diversity, and individuality. He aimed to create a poetic voice that encompassed the spirit of the nation as a whole.

It begins with a question is from what poem?

The phrase "It begins with a question" is from the poem "A Song of the Rolling Earth" by Walt Whitman. This poem is a part of his larger work, "Leaves of Grass."

What do you call a long serious poem that tells a story about a hero?

Epic poem.

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Beowulf is an epic poem. It is the oldest surviving epic poem in Old English. In order to be considered an epic poem, it has to be lengthy and usually detail heroic people or deeds.

Beowulf is an epic what?

Beowulf is an epic poem. It is the oldest surviving epic poem in Old English. In order to be considered an epic poem, it has to be lengthy and usually detail heroic people or deeds.

Which is the longest poem?

an epic poem is the longest type of poemThe Hindu Epic The Mahabharata is thought to be the longest poem.

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Is there a poem about hail?

SubditusHail.Pit-Pat. !Bam:The size of mini vans.--Leaves of Grass , Walt Whitman.

What type of poem is the odyessy?

It is called an Epic poem. An epic poem is one that is very long and told like a story

What is a synonym for epic poem?

Majestic piece of literature sry that is not very helpful