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Q: How is Nat Turner like William Garrison and how is he different?
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How did people like William Lloyd Garrison Sojourner Truth work to end slavery?

theydid not like it

How did people like William Lloyd Garrison and Sojourner Truth work to end slavery?

William Lloyd Garrison was a prominent abolitionist who used his newspaper, The Liberator, to advocate for the immediate emancipation of slaves. Sojourner Truth was a former slave who became a prominent abolitionist and women's rights activist, traveling and speaking about the injustices of slavery and advocating for its end. Both played key roles in raising awareness about the horrors of slavery and mobilizing public opinion against it.

Did abolitionists like William Lloyd garrison quickly attain great popularity in the north?

You betcha!

What criticisms of American society did William lioyd garrison have?

he didn't like slavery and he wanted to get rid of alcohol

What did southern planters think when abolitionist like William Lloyd garrison called for an end to slavery?

It wages call

What did southern planters think when abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison called for an end slavery?

It wages call

If you are a girl and you have turner syndrome when will your growthplates close in your feet?

That would be different for every person with Turner syndrome, just like it would be different for every person without Turner syndrome.

What did William garrison pledge his dedication to?

William Lloyd Garrison was the author of the Liberator. Before and During the Civil War he was a highly active abolitionist who strongly supported the freeing of slaves, he met and supported both John Brown and Fredrick Douglass. After the Civil War he went on to fight for other big disputes like Women's rights. Garrison was an advocate of nonviolence resistance. There is no evidence that he supported the murderous John Brown. In fact, Frederick Douglas did not support John Brown either.

Who are two abolitionist?

An abolitionist is a person who fights to abolish certain practices, like slavery. Two famous abolitionists are Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison.

Which person did not agree with the abolitionist views of the others William loyd garrison harriet Beecher stowe Lydia maria child or gerrit smith?

Gerrit Smith did not fully agree with the abolitionist views of the others mentioned. Smith supported the abolitionist cause but did not always see eye to eye with prominent figures like William Lloyd Garrison and Harriet Beecher Stowe.

How many jobs did William Lloyd garrison have?

like 14 cuz he was actually really dumb people only hired him cuz he was famous and they knew it would bring in business

What was the main goal of abolitionists like William Lloyd garrison?

A allow all woman the right to vote.B establish tax-supported schools.C stop individuals from drinking alcoholic beverages.D end slavery immediatelyTHE ANSWER IS D :END SLAVERY