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Ralph is running away from jack and his tribe and he gets to a clearing where a marine is there observing the out of control fire. Jack and his crew pop up and they all get rescued.

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Ralph is rescued in the novel "Lord of the Flies" when a naval officer arrives on the island after seeing the smoke from the fire. The officer finds Ralph hiding in the bushes and brings him back to civilization.

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Because he knows that they will be rescued.

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To get rescued

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Ralph and Jack think they will be rescued. This is after the carried the log and fell down.

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When they are rescued in "Lord of the Flies," Ralph claims to be the chief as he is the protagonist who tried to maintain order and civilization on the island. However, he is challenged by Jack, who led the boys into savagery and rebellion against Ralph's leadership.

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The two goals that Ralph identifies among the boys are to have fun and to be rescued.

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What is discouraging Ralph in regard to being rescued?

How does Ralph feel about the idea of being rescued now?

Ralph is initially excited about being rescued in the book "Lord of the Flies." However, as the story progresses, his optimism fades as he witnesses the boys' descent into savagery and realizes the darkness within himself.

What does Ralph plan to do to help the boys get boys get rescued lord of the flies?

make a fire on the hill.

What effort does Ralph say the boys should take to get rescued?

Ralph is able to persuade the other boys that they will be saved by sharing with them that his father is a navy captain. He tells them that the queen has a room with maps that show every island in the world.

What has Ralph fixed his mind on that the others seem to think of very little?

Ralph is focused on building shelters and maintaining a signal fire to increase their chances of being rescued, while the others are more preoccupied with hunting and having fun on the island.