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In "Paradise Lost," Satan is not physically imprisoned in Hell. Rather, he and the other fallen angels are banished to Hell as a punishment for rebelling against God. They are confined to Hell by their own pride and refusal to repent, trapped in a state of torment and separation from God.

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Q: How is Satan imprisoned in Hell in Paradise Lost?
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Satan in Paradise Lost?

Nope. In hell

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In John Milton's "Paradise Lost," when Satan revives in Hell, he speaks to his fallen angels, who have been transformed into his followers. Satan addresses them to discuss their next course of action and to inspire them in their rebellion against God.

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In "Paradise Lost," Satan says he will never bow down to God or repent for his rebellious actions. He declares that he would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.

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The Fall of Satan is Paradise Lost. There are 12 books in the poem.

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In "Paradise Lost," hell is depicted as both a psychological state and a physical place. It is a physical underworld where Satan and his fallen angels are imprisoned, but it is also a psychological state of despair, torment, and separation from God, reflecting the inner turmoil of the damned souls. This dual portrayal serves to illustrate the complex nature of damnation and the consequences of rebellion against divine order.

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John Milton in Paradise Lost, has Satan saying this quote on his expulsion from Heaven.

Who told - better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven?

John Milton in Paradise Lost, has Satan saying this quote on his expulsion from Heaven.

Who told better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven?

John Milton in Paradise Lost, has Satan saying this quote on his expulsion from Heaven.

Who told better to reign in hell than serve in heaven?

John Milton in Paradise Lost, has Satan saying this quote on his expulsion from Heaven.