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A banana split is an ice cream-based dessert. In its classic form it is served in a long dish called a boat. A banana is cut in half lengthwise (hence the split) and laid in the dish. There are many variations, but the classic banana split is made with scoops of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream

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Q: How is a banana split made without nuts?
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Your nuts and your banana

Name something you would use to make a banana split?

Bananas, nuts, caramel, ice cream, and anything else you want to put in. One banana, split, strawberry ice cream , strawberry sauce, chocolate ice cream, chocolate sauce, vanilla ice cream, pineapple sauce, whipped cream and chopped walnuts , One ice cream scoop, one banana boat. One parfait spoon.

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A fantastic banana split, covered with mounds of whipped cream and sprinkled with nuts with a cherry on top, served at the Ben Franklin Five & Dime in San Mateo, California cost about 75 cents when I was a girl (about fifty years ago). For less than $5.00, I could get a hot dog, a banana split, go to the matinee, buy a box of candy, and still have change for the bus home. Don't you wish we could relive some of those prices???

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squeeze his nuts first

Why do you like banana splits?

I like them because I can usually choose three kinds of ice cream and several kinds of topping and bonus goodies, such as nuts or M&Ms to go over the banana. I can't eat a whole split, so it's fun to share it with my date, who appreciates my choices.

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Strawberries! and monkey nuts out of the enchanted hammack!!

Is Baked meringue contains nuts?

That would depend entirely on the recipe. Plain basic meringue is made with egg whites and sugar, without nuts.

What ice cream melts faster ice cream with nuts ice cream with bananasor ice cream alone?

Probably the nuts but im just guessing Banana cuz the banana part of the ice cream can't melt

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They eat fruit, nuts, and crabs.

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A banana and a couple of nuts