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Geneticly speaking we are very closely related to all the primates. We evolved from a common ancestor. Our immune system had to deal with virtually the same threats as the chimps, however we are far more migratory and prolific than most other primates. The AIDS virus is assumed to come orginally from another primate species when it crossed over and started infecting us. We will use chimps in experiments on therapies that can possibly benefit humans. Better them than us.

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Q: How is a chimps immune system like a humans?
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Baring mutation, chimps only have two legs like humans.

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You can see that chimps are related to humans from DNA. We share about 98% of the nucleotides with chimps. The ERV's between chimps and humans are reverse transcripted into both creatures in the same spots and that is not plausible by anything but a relationship with them. The Chromosomes are identical except for chromosome #2 in humans and that shows a fusion of two chromosomes from our ancestors. Chimps along with all of our primate cousins are going extinct. Like in comparative morphology, comparative genomics shows that in the nested hierarchies, chimps have the most homologies and the fewest differences in a nucleotide by nucleotide comparison of the genome.

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Because they're closest to humans genetically - so any reactions in the chimps will most likely happen in humans.

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Chimps are intelligence yeah I know but they are actually almost the same with us humans. Our DNA and there's are like ours that's all I know because of Internet problems that told me to give a message to highly trained chimps.....weird.

Can cats catch asthma from each other?

No, asthma is not contagious. Asthma in cats, like in humans, is an immune-mediated disease that is a result of the interaction between the cat's innate immune system and the environment in which the cat lives.

How does the immune system work with the respiratory system?

The respiratory system works with the immune system by releasing oxygen, which helps you breathe and is like a filter to your body.

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