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Q: How is a convection in the hydrosphere?
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What three spheres of the earth do convection currents occur?

in the outside and inside and underneath and between layers

How are convection currents in the mantle and in the oceans similar How are they different?

The ocean currents are colder than the currents in the mantle,and the are located in different areas.

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How is thermal energy transfered through the hydrosphere?

because of the convection current. The sun heat unevenly and when it warm the air and water rises and when it cold the water and air sinks. I know This is from california Earth Science G.6 :P

What illustrates an energy transfer between atmosphere and hydrosphere?

polar ice reflecting sun's light back toward space.polar ice reflecting Sun's light back toward space

E theory of hydrosphere?

theury of hydrosphere

Why do you need the hydrosphere?

The question is irrelevant, the hydrosphere is there whether you need it or not. Without the hydrosphere there would be no life on Earth.

Does glaciers come from hydrosphere?

Glaciers are a part of the hydrosphere.

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what is the non example of hydrosphere

What is the hydrosphere predominantly made out of?

The hydrosphere is made out of Earth's waters. Hydrosphere is made up of nothing but water The hydrosphere is mostly comprised of water. It also made of ground water.

Can mammals live in the hydrosphere?

Marine mammals live in the hydrosphere.

What are some problems related to the hydrosphere?

the people are polluting the hydrosphere.