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By the end of the first month of pregnancy, the baby is a tiny, tadpole-like embryo. It is actually much smaller than a grain of rice! Even though it doesn't look human as of yet, the embryo has progressed quite a since the shapeless mass of cells it was a week earlier.

There is a head, equipped with a mouth opening, a primitive heart that has begun to pump, and a basic form of a brain. There are no arms of legs yet, but they will appear soon.

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Q: How is a fetus developed in the first month?
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In the 3rd Month of development.

What is the medical term meaning five-month fetus?

a not completely developed child yet is what it is called

What is different between embryo and fetus?

An Embryo is a stage before Fetus, the Fetus is more developed than an Embryo, the stage of Birth and a baby being more developed than a fetus.

What stage does alcohol hurt the fetus?

All stages, however I believe most of the damage can be done in the first 4 months until the fetus is almost completely developed.

Where the fetus developed?

mother's womb

How is a fetus developed in the ninth month?

The final month. During this month, the fetus is getting ready to make a move! Halfway through this month, the fetus will be considered "full term" and ready to be born. During this month, growth continues to be quick. About 2 inches and 2.5 pounds are added to its overall size. At birth, body fat will have increased to about 15 percent. At this point, the fetus has basically run out of kicking space. Most fetuses have settled into a head-down birthing position in the ninth month. Many babies of first time mothers-to-be will drop into the mother's bony pelvis by about the 38th week. This serves as the starting gate for labor and delivery. The umbilical cord has now grown to over 2 feet in length and the placenta weighs in at about 1.5 pounds.

What is a developed embryo called?

After a sperm fertilizes an egg its referred to as a zygote. Then it becomes a fetus, I believe after the first trimester.

What part of the circulatory system forms in a human fetus between the second and ninth month pregnancy?

All the organs of the fetus develope in first three months of missed period.

Why do women miscarriage?

In the first trimester when most women miscarry it s because the fetus is not correct developed to make it further.

Who developed the first 12 month calendar?

I believe it was Julius Caesar.

When you are bloated the first month or pregnancy is your tummy soft?

The belly get soft first and more fat gather there to prepare and protect the fetus. You don't get harder until later. And the first month there's usually no difference at all.

Will a one month fetus show up on a sonogram?

Yes. A competent operator using a good machine will be able to see a one-month old fetus.