

Best Answer

Maybe because it's paws are padded for walking on grass. YOU should be able to think up some more from there!

hope this starts you off


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Q: How is a leopard adapted to the grasslands?
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How have people adapted to living in the temperate grasslands?

they eat benny

Which habitat would a plant be best adapted for if it can go for long periods without rain?


What type of zebra lives in grasslands?

Zebra eat grass, which is an adaptation for grasslands because there is a lot of grass to eat. They have to live in the open, so predators can find them easily. Zebra are adapted for that by being very fast runners.

Do grasslands receive little rain and have many types of trees or grasses?

It depends on the location. Not all grasslands are created equal. Parts of the world have grasslands that do receive less rain than others, and other areas receive significant amounts of rain. But most of these areas receive their rain in irregular, intermittent periods of either a very light rain or heavy torrential downpours, followed by extended dry periods. Grasslands are particularly adapted to these climatic extremes, unlike forests or trees. Many grasslands will have a wide variety of species of grasses and forbs (wildflowers). Some will have trees and shrubs, but most of the trees and shrubs that are found in grasslands are found near rivers or semi-permanent to permanent water bodies.

How do Aniamals adapt to grasslands?

The animals that live in grasslands have adapted to dry, windy conditions. There are grazing animals (that eat the grass), burrowing animals, and their predators; insects are abundant. A moderate of level species diversity exists on a grassland. Many animals live in grasslands, from invertebrates (like grasshoppers and beetles) to large mammals (like antelopes and bison). The different grasslands of the world support different populations of animals

Related questions

What ecosystem does a leopard live in?

grasslands in africa.

How have humans adapted to living in wetland biomes?

they adapted by to water and climate and grasslands

What kind of ecosystem does the leopard live in?

woodlands, grasslands, and forests

How have people adapted to living in the temperate grasslands?

they eat benny

What is a leopard's habitat?

The leopard is apart of the Felidae family, with nine of subspecies of leopards. It's habitats are forests, mountains, grasslands, and deserts.

What is the natural environment of the leopard?

Savanah, desert, and jungle. They are very adaptive

How is a giraffe adapted to live in open and dry grasslands?

A giraffe has adapted to live in open and dry grasslands by the evolution of it's long neck. This enables to reach things that are high and normally out of reach for other animals.

Why is the snow leopard best adapted for its environment?

because it can die.

Does a snow leopard have a broad or narrow niche?

A snow leopard has a broad nichel. It's adapted to different climates and areas

Where is the leopard from?

The leopard is from Africa and Asia, they live in forests, mountains, grasslands, and deserts. there is a great site you can go to and find out almost any info about an animal. Its called

Which animals have adapted to live in rainforests?

the sloth,the leopard,the parrot, and many more

Which habitat would a plant be best adapted for if it can go for long periods without rain?
