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Both pulleys and levers are mechanical devices designed to gain an advantage over an inert load force and both are simple machines. The main difference with a pulley system is the direction of force, and the effect can be different.

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Q: How is a lever different from a machine made with ropes and pulleys?
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What kind of a simple machine is a rope?

ropes can be in pulleys

How do you find the mechanical advantage of a simple machine?

To find the mechanical advantage of a simple machine divide output force by input force. (input force is the force that we exert on a machine, and output force is the force that is exerted by a machine).

How are laces like pulleys?

Because they are like ropes

What is the meaning of the word pulleys?

Pulleys are like a lever system. They involve using ropes or chords strung through something up higher, and by using body weight or the momentum of another object, you can lift an item that you couldn't have with just your grip and arm strength.

What kind of simple machine is a paint can opener?

A paintbrush is not a machine in the sense that the word "machine" is used in elementary physics. Machines are used to do work, usually by providing leverage in some way. In that way, Atwood's machine, a collection of ropes and pulleys, is a machine, but the gasoline engine is not. This is merely an issue of terminology and classification and has historical roots. It is not a statement of a basic law of science.

Henry built a machine that consisted mostly of ropes and pulleys The machine was designed to lift his dirty laundry from his basement bedroom up and over to the laundry room He placed a 20 pound bas?

Dumb waiter

How is a lever different from a pulley used with ropes?

A lever and a pulley are different. They are both simple machines that have been around for over two thousand years and described in detail by a Greek named Archimedes.

How does the number of supporting ropes on a pulley affect the amount of force needed to lift the load?

The more pulleys and ropes you add the easier it is to lift

A simple machine that has a grooved wheel that holds a rope or a cable is a?

A Pulley This works by changing the direction of force around the wheel, which also provides reduced friction to the ropes movement. -Examples Include: Window Blinds, Flagpole pulleys, rock climbing pulleys, and some clotheslines.

How did pulleys build pyramids?

They used ropes and other materials in Egypt to put it together.

How are show laces like pulleys?

How do pulleys help us?

By A Sytem of ropes that make it eaiser to lift things that are to heavy to lift without help.