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ligt waves are different from other ways because they have charicteristics of particles and waves. It has never been proven that it is one or the other. Youngs double slit experiment shows us that light waves diffract and interfere.

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Q: How is a light wave different than any other wave?
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Energy that travels at speed of light?

That can be light, or some other electromagnetic wave (light is an electromagnetic wave), or gravitational waves.

When a wave changes from one medium to another causing it to bend?

The velocity of the light wave differs in different media. This is the main cause for bending of light ray as it traversed from one medium to the other

What are thee different theories of light?

Newton's corpuscular theory Huygen's mechanical wave theory Maxwell's electromagnetic wave theory Finally Planck's quantum theory LIght as a single "photon" acts somewhat differently than a wave (of energy).

Light travels as a wave?

Light and other electromagnetic waves do indeed travel as a wave. For that reason, light, radio waves and all other electromagnetic waves can be characterized by a wavelength. Different colors of light have different wavelengths in the range of around 400 nanometers to 800 nanometers. However, they can also be considered to be particles instead of waves. In some branches of physics, the concept of light as a particle can be very useful. For most of us, treating light as a wave is quite sufficient.

Different wave lengths of visible light result in different?

...colors when the light enters your eyes.

How can the speed of a light wave be changed?

If you shine light through a different medium, its speed will change. It's faster in a vacuum than in air, which is faster than in a denser gas, etc.

What color of light has a shorter wave length explain your answer?

Violet light has shorter wavelength than any other color. I looked it up.

What has wave lengths longer than the wave lengths of visible light?

Radio waves, microwaves and infrared light have a longer wavelength and lower frequency than visible light.

What is an example of transversal wave and longitudinal wave?

Sound is a longitudinal wave, as is any other mechanical wave. Light is a transversal wave, as all other Elektromagnetic waves.

What bends light rays?

A prism bends light rays. White light is made up of many different wave lengths of light. A prism bends each wave length a different amount, that is why different colors are produced from the output side of a prism.

What wave has sthe most light energy?

The sun wave has the most light energy, but most of you might not even know that there are more than one light energy wave and i know it.

What wave is shorter than visible light but longer than X-rays?

Ultraviolet light is.