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Q: How is a pencil sharpener an of a wheel and axle?
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3 examples of wheel and axle?

a pencil sharpener , fareswheel , bickcyle wheel

Is a pencil sharpener a wheel and exle?


What is an example of a wheel and a axle?

door knobs, egg beater, windmill,bike,fan,rolling pen,wagon,record player,pencil sharpener,casters,roller skates and rotary dial phone

Is a pencil a example of a wheel and axle?

No, a pencil is an object used to apply carbon lead to writing materials.

What simple machines make an electronic pencil sharpener?

ummm absolutely none its just wood with graphite inside i think you haave got a bit confused....

Cone shaped science item?

The tip of a sharpened pencil; the pencil-sharpener; some lamps.The tip of a sharpened pencil; the pencil-sharpener; some lamps.The tip of a sharpened pencil; the pencil-sharpener; some lamps.The tip of a sharpened pencil; the pencil-sharpener; some lamps.

Why is the wheel and axle important?

It is used in our everyday lives. Many things can go in a circular motion. As long as the two objects are different sizes and when attached they end up rotating together. Some examples would be a pencil sharpener or ferris wheel.

What is el sacapuntas in English?

Un sacapuntas is a pencil sharpener

What types of simple machines have a wheel and axle?

There are a lot of machines in the world that contain a wheel and axle such as wheel chairs, a bicycle sprocket,compound bows,gears,drill,sharpener and plenty others.

What is a make-up pencil sharpener?

a sharpener is a Georgina and a pencil is a peens so wen a pencil gos in to a sharpener it is a peens going into a Georgina

How do you spell pencil sharpener in Spanish?

Translation: ¿Puedes usar el sacapuntas? = Can you use the pencil-sharpener? Puedo usar el sacapuntas? = Can I use the pencil-sharpener? Se puede usar el sacapuntas = Can you ('one') use the pencil-sharpener?