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mitochondrial disease results in energy deprivation within the cells. cell injury and even death follows. if this is repeated through out the whole body, whole systems begin to fail. the main ones are brain, heart, liver, kidney and eyes along with other smaller systems.

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16h ago

Mitochondrial disease can impact a person's energy production, affecting the functioning of organs and systems in the body. Symptoms can vary widely, including muscle weakness, neurological problems, and fatigue, which can significantly impact daily life and quality of life. Treatment mainly focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life.

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8y ago

Mitochondria are seat of energy generation in the body cells. Mitochondrial disease will adversely affect metabolic activities in that person.

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Q: How is a persons life affected by mitochondrial disease?
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How is a person's life by mitochondrial disease?

mitochondrial disease results in energy deprivation within the cells. cell injury and even death follows. if this is repeated through out the whole body, whole systems begin to fail. the main ones are brain, heart, liver, kidney and eyes along with other smaller systems.

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What is the life expectency of mitochondrial disease?

Life expectancy depends on many factors. Some Mit myopathies are severly progressive and some are mildly progressive. There are different variations in how mild or severe each persons myopathy is. Also depends on whether there are internal organs involved. Some myopathies affect mostly peripheral.... they affect mostly the extremities such as legs,arms,neck. If the myopathy is more internal it can affect organs such as heart or lungs for example...then the myopathy is more severe. Some live a full a life with the progressive disease. Some don't. It is a progessive disease, and as such it will further weaken and atrophy muscle as time goes on. If the Mit myopathy is progressively mild, then there is no reason why the person can't live into 65 or 70 years old. They most likely won't live to be 80 or more, but it's hard to say. It's really up to the severity of the disease and the person that has it. And yes, I'm a doctor with a strong experience in Mitochondrial and Congenital myopathies.

What age group is affected by autism?

All age groups are affected by autism. Autism is a neurological difference that starts within the womb and continues throughout a persons entire life. A person is Autistic throughout their lives so at all ages, it does not just effect someone for a specific number of years or during a specific age range.

How is a person's daily life is affected by Lyme disease?

It depends on the stage. It could be just like a case of the flu or much worse.

Is Hayley off hollyoaks in a whellchair in real life?

Apparently yes; the actress is affected by the same disease of the nervous system that her character does.

What is a persons survival rate with parkinsons disease?

The Parkinson's disease does not influence on the life expectancy. This disease influences on its quality. A patient does not die because of the Parkinson's disease, but the complications caused by this disorder can lead to the lethal outcome. You can look up more info here

What does the prognosis for mitochondrial myopathies depend on?

Life expectancy for a person with a mitochondrial myopathy depends on many different circumstances, including the percentage of mtDNA that is mutated, the type of mutation, and the tissue in which it is mutated