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They both purr They both run!

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Q: How is a refrigerator like a cat?
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What happens if you stick a cat in the refrigerator?

the cat will die. but it depends on how long you keep the cat in the fridge.

Why does your cat sit in front of the refrigerator?

he is always hungryThis is very common. I myself have a cat and observe this behavior quite frequently.Your cat will do that if there is a mouse or other animal hiding under there.Also, the refrigerator blows warm air, so during the winter your cat might sit in front of there to stay warm.The last reason is that your cat might sense the food in the refrigerator, and (whether it is fed or not) will sit in front of the fridge and stare in hopes that there IS food in there.

Why is my cat obsessed with the open refrigerator when he doesn't even like people food?

Many cats are curious as to what's behind a closed door. It's just their nature.

How was the refrigerator?

Refrigerator was just like a air conditioner and a magnet of Tom Swayer.

Why would a cat be starring at bottom of refriderater?

A cat might stare at the bottom of a refrigerator due to curiosity or if it senses movement or smells coming from that area. Cats are natural hunters and are attracted to small movements or potential prey, so they may be investigating for any signs of activity underneath the refrigerator.

What do homeowners use a subzero refrigerator for?

Everything they use a regular refrigerator for. Subzero is a type of refrigerator, but it is also a brand of refrigerator. They are basically what they sound like, a refrigerator/freezer that reaches and hold subzero temperatures.

Refrigerator Reviews?

form_title= Refrigerator Reviews form_header= Find the best refrigerator for your budget. Do you want a refrigerator with french doors?*= () Yes () No Do you want the freezer on the bottom?*= () Yes () No What is your budget for a refrigerator?*= _ [50] What finish would you like on the refrigerator?*= _ [50]

I have a head like a cat and feet like a cat, but I am not a cat. What am I?


What looks like a cat sounds like a cat but is not a cat?

a kitten

What looks like a cat eats like a cat acts like a cat but is not a cat?

A raccoon or an opossum,dog,dolphins,and bats.

How do you act like a cat?

by a cat costume and keep it on all day and meow like a cat crawl like a cat on the floor

French Door Refrigerator ?

form_title= French Door Refrigerator form_header= Install a new french door refrigerator. How much space do you have for a refrigerator?*= _ [50] Do you want the freezer on the bottom?*= () Yes () No What finish would you like on the refrigerator?*= _ [50]