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In a normal bar graph, each bar represents one value. In a stacked bar graph, each bar has a number of values, stacked on top of each other. So a bar can show how a total is broken down. So each bar could represent a year, with the amounts for each month indicated by different parts of that one bar.

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Q: How is a stacked bar different from other bar graph?
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How is a bar graph different from other graphs?

In a normal bar graph, each bar represents one value. In a stacked bar graph, each bar has a number of values, stacked on top of each other. So a bar can show how a total is broken down. So each bar could represent a year, with the amounts for each month indicated by different parts of that one bar.

What is a stacked bar graph?


Is a stacked bar graph better than a double bar graph?

no a double bar graph is better

What are the disadvantages of a stacked bar graph?

You can only make a stacked bar graph if one of the groups is always smaller than the other.Otherwise one bar might go right over the other one.* * * * *The above disadvantage does not apply to stacked bars where the bar for each variable is stacked on top of other bars. The main disadvantage is that it becomes increasingly difficult to see changes in all but the variable that is at the bottom of the stack (and so has a fixed bottom line).

Which type of graph makes it easy to see that Oxygen is roughly one-half the total?

A pie or a stacked bar.A pie or a stacked bar.A pie or a stacked bar.A pie or a stacked bar.

What kind of graph shows the percent of the whole?

A pie or stacked bar.

What is the graph that sHow is parts of a whole?

A pie chart or a stacked bar chart.

What is a graph that is used to compare parts of a whole?

A pie chart or a percentage-stacked bar.

What does a bar graph look like?

A bar graph is a graph that has vertical or horizontal bars to represent numbers. A bar graph is usually used to compare two different things with each other.

What graph best shows how different items compare to each other?

a bar graph

What is the difference between a composite bar chart and a multiple bar chart?

A composite bar chart is whereby each bar displays multiple data points stacked in a single row or column. On the other hand multiple bar graph are usually placed side by side and use different shapes to contrast between them.

How a bar graph is different form a chart?

a bar graph is a graph and a chart is a chart