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Q: How is a steep slope shown on a topography map?
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What represents a steep slope on a map?

Steep slope is indicated by topo lines close together.

Where do hikers find contour maps most useful?

Areas with variable topography (i.e. hills, cliffs, valleys). In places with swift elevation changes or even just hills. These kinds of conditions are shown on the map by the contour lines. When the lines are close together the topography is steep when the lines are further apart the topography is not steep.

What is indicated when contour lines are far apart on a topographic map?

On a map they would indicate a steep slope And on a synoptic chart they would indicate stronger winds the closer they are. Depends on the differences in barometric pressure between the isobars.

How can you determine whether the contour on a tropographic map show a gradual slope?

You can tell if a landform has a steep or gentle slope by looking at it. If the hill is small, it is not steep. A steep slope would be at more of an incline.

What does plateau mean when you are using a map?

a medium elevation of a steep slope

On topographical map how do represent a steep slope?

Contour lines that are closely spaced

A topographic map indicates that a mountain's slope is very steep by using?

contour lines that are very close together

What is a slope geography?

a steep slope in geography is if you see one on a map then it would be lines that are close together,

What determined a steep slope on a contour map?

the lines tha determine you, consider and think about ones comment

What On a topographic map contour lines that are close together indicate a .?

Contour lines that are close together on a topographic map indicate an area of steep slope. If they essentially overlap you have a cliff.

What landform is shown by many contour lines that are very close together?

On a topographical map, a contour line indicates a change in elevation. When the lines are close together, the elevation is changing rapidly.

On a topographic map how do you show a steep cliff?

if someone were to make a topographic map they would mostlikly have a bunch a contour lines realy close together because the closer they are together the more steep it i guess they would make close contour lines then make a drop off