

How is a trombone meant to sound?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: How is a trombone meant to sound?
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Related questions

How does trombone produce it sound?

The trombone produces it sound by players buzzing their lips

Why is the trombone shaped like an s?

The trombone is shaped like that so it can produce a fuller and louder sound. :)

How is the sound produced on a trombone?

carefully with a blowing sensation

What does the bell on the trombone used for?

thats where the sound comes out.

Which produces the highest sound in pitch a trumpet or trombone?


Why do trombone have a high pitched sound?

A trombone is a bass instrument, playing in the bass clef, making it a relatively low- pitched instrument.

Why does a trombone produce lower notes than a bugle?

the trombone is longer than the bugle, giving the sound a longer path to travel, thus making the sound waves more spread out, giving it a lower tone.

Does the valve trombone have the same sound as the slide trombone?

yes. Valve trombones are better for faster music and improvising. They're used most often in jazz bands.

Is a trombone a brass musical instrument?

Yes, a trombone is a brass musical instrument. Like all brass instruments, sound is produced by the vibration of the player's lips in the mouthpiece.

Is the trumpet the highest sound or the trombone?

The trumpet is the highest member of the brass family of instruments.

How does the musical sound change on a trombone?

It changes by th embochure of your lips and the position that your slide is in. :)

How do you position lips on a trombone?

like you're kissing someone and make a rasberry sound