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We now have bigger and better weapons We now have bigger and better weapons

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Q: How is a war today fought diffrently than it was during the Revolutionary War?
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Why did Ralph Emerson write the poem The Concord Hymn?

It was written in the memory of the men who fought and died for us during the revolutionary war , so that we could have freedom that we have today ,and also it was written in April 19, 1836

Who were the Yankess during the Revolutionary War?

The colonists. Americans are still Yankees today.

What was the religion during the revolutionary period?

During the Revolutionary period, the majority of the public was Christian. According to Charlie Gibson today during the inauguration of Obama, Unitarianism had already existed by then (believed by Ben Franklin).

What is the relationship between the American colonists and the British soldier?

They fought each other in the America Revolutionary War. We are friendly to each other today.

What was the role of militiamen during the revolutionary war in 1778?

I believe they, at that time, would equate to our National Guard of today................

What is it like to be a christian in the world today?

pretty good good things happen, no one treats you any diffrently from anyone else, and you feel protected

Why do we call The Revolutionary War revolutionary?

Beacause it was revolutionary . It changed alot of things in this country without it we wouldn't be the same as we are today

What difference does Kennedy stress between the world now and the world as it was during the American Revolution?

The world during the revolutionary war was fighting for idenpendence, while the world today fights to preserve it.

Are the crusades still fought today?

Yes,they are.

Are crusades still fought today?

Yes,they are.

What similarities and differences does Kennedy see between the world now and the world as it was during the American revolution?

both struggling, the difference was that the world during the revolutionary war was struggling for independence while the world today struggles to preserve it.