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Q: How is a whit piece of paper reflects light differently from a mirror?
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Why does light reflect better off a mirror than a sheet of paper?

Paper absorbs the light, but the shiny surface of the mirror reflects it.

Does paper reflect light?

Yes, but since its surface is uneven (at atomic level), light is not reflected as in the case of a mirror. Anything that we can see (except black) reflects light. The white paper, for instance, reflects all the colours of white light and this is why it appears white to our eye.

What is a cast coated paper?

Cast Coated paper is like a shinny mirror light flash. like a mirror feeling

Why can't you see yourself in a piece of paper?

Since it does not reflect light. You can only see yourself in a mirror because it reflects light back into your eye, paper does not do this therefore you cant see yourself the reason is that the light rays are reflected in many directions because of the uneven surface.

Does black paper absorb wave lengths of light?

No black paper is not translucent ts opaque

How do you make working model on street light?

Most objects do not give off their own light; it has to reflect light to be seen. Shine a laser onto a mirror and hold a piece of paper up in front of the mirror, watch how the rays bounce from the laser to the mirror and off onto the paper.

What colors of the visible light spectrum are absorbed by white objects?

It will reflect more light per unit area, if that's what you mean.

Why black paper give out heat best?

Colour depends on what light something absorbs and reflects, white paper reflects all light so its white, and black absorbs all, thus, absorbing more light, and transmitting infra red waves

What happens when red light hits red paper?

The answer has a lot to do with why you call it "red paper". Could that be becausethe paper absorbs light of any other color, and reflects the red light toward your eyes ?

What colors does white paper reflect?

White light is made up of all the colors. If a paper is white, it is reflecting all the colors of light. We know that the color of an object is determined by the color(s) of light it reflects. If an object is green, for example, it reflects green light and absorbs all other colors.

How is reflection of light from a plane mirror different from the refraction of light as it enters a piece of glass?

Light scattering by paper and reflection by a mirror are not all that different. Light scattering by a paper reflects light in many different directions because of its rough surface. Reflection by a flat mirror is reflection by a smooth surface at an angle 180 degrees from the incident angle.

Why does black paper absorb light faster than white paper?

This is because back aborbs heat where as white reflects heat