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Q: How is a yak adapted to its environment?
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How does a yak adapt to its environment?

well, it's BORN into the environment, so I'm pretty sure it's already adapted by the time it gets there.

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How has a yak adapted to its envorment?

by there fur that keeps them warm and there horns that they use for defense

What are the adaptations of the yak?

Some of the adaptations of a yak are:The yak's mouth is adapted for grazing a variety of plants.The yak's thick coat of hair protects the yak from cold.The yak's large chest and lungs are adaptations to low oxygen contents in the mountains.The yak uses its hooves and horns to break the ice from frozen ground and graze on the grass below.

Aztecs and Incas adapted to their environment?

Both the Aztecs and Incas were highly skilled at adapting to their respective environments. They utilized advanced agricultural techniques such as terrace farming and irrigation systems to cultivate crops in challenging landscapes. Additionally, they constructed elaborate cities and infrastructure that took advantage of natural resources like waterways and mountains for protection and sustenance.

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Every single organism on this earth has adapted to its environment... that is the beauty of adaptation.

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