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Q: How is acomet different then a astriod?
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What orbits the sun like planets?

the astriod belt

What is it called when a huge ball hit the earth?

either a metor or astriod

Where is astriod belt located?

The asteroid belt is located in space. JK! Between the planets Mars and Jupiter.

When is the earth expected to be hit by an astriod that could cause an impact strong enough to create a second ice age?

in about 2032

When is the next astriod predidted to hit the earth?

The next time a asteriod will hit earth will be in the next 1 million years.

What is bigger than an asteroid?

lots of things are bigger than a astriod ,planets, somtimes a moon, and the biggest star in are solar system.

Is mars made of mostly gases and rock?

No Mars is a planet made completely made out of rock.One way to prove this is because it is on the inside of the Astriod Belt.

Is the astriod belt before Jupiter?

yes it is because it is jupiter is called an outer planet and outer planets are named because they are before the asteroid belt. My answer is YES!

Where is Mordrid in Poptropica?

on a mystrious planet in space to the left of space in the astriod belt u can only acess after u beat the fire, ice, and jungle planets

Where is an astriod belt located?

The asteroid belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

What do you do once you finish all the islands on astro knighs?

go to co-ordinates x15 y84 in the astriod belt and go to the castle thing on the meteor tthere you will fight the Mordred guy