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To provide important details about the characters and the plot

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Q: How is an artifact used during the exposition of a story?
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How is artifact used during the exposition of a story?

To provide important details about the characters and the plot

How is an artifacts used during the exposition of the story?

To provide important details about the characters and the plot

What is story's exposition?

The exposition of a story is the background, or "backstory"--what you need to know about the characters' past in order to understand why they behave the way they do in the story as it unfolds. Flashbacks--memories of events from a character's past--are often used for exposition.

What is a story's exposition?

The exposition of a story is the background, or "backstory"--what you need to know about the characters' past in order to understand why they behave the way they do in the story as it unfolds. Flashbacks--memories of events from a character's past--are often used for exposition.

What is a common way that an artifact that is used at the beginning of a story?

To give the reader clues as to whether the story is true

What is a common way an artifact is used at the beginning of the story?

To give the reader clues as to whether the story is true

What is a common way an artifact used at the beginning of a story?

To give the reader clues as to whether the story is true

What is a common way that an artifact used at the beginning of a story?

To give the reader clues as to whether the story is true

What is a common way that an artifact is used at the beginning of a story?

To give the reader clues as to whether the story is true

What is the exposition in the foreshadowing?

The exposition is the introduction of the characters, setting, and background information in a story. Foreshadowing is a literary device used to give hints or clues about what will happen later in the story. In the exposition, foreshadowing can be used to set the stage for future events or build suspense for the reader.

How is an artifact with a special meaning used in a story?

As a symbol (apex)

What is literary exposition?

The exposition of a story is the background, or "backstory"--what you need to know about the characters' past in order to understand why they behave the way they do in the story as it unfolds. Flashbacks--memories of events from a character's past--are often used for exposition.