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The larger the magnitude of the earthquake, the larger the energy to be released by the earthquake.

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Q: How is an earthquake magnitude scale related to the amounts of energy released by earthquaiew?
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Does tectonic plate size effect earthquake magnitude?

Tectonic plate size does affect earthquake magnitude. Earthquakes happen when one plate slides above/below another plate, to do this it takes massive amounts of convection energy from the mantle to move the plate above. The larger the mass of the plate, the more energy is needed to move it which means that large plates have a lot of stored up energy in them before the quake in question. When the energy is released the plate boundary snaps releasing all the built up energy. As there was so much energy stored in the plate the more is released, causing a larger, more devastating earthquake.

How is magnitude and intensity scale in earthquakes different?

Magnitude regards the size of the event of phenomena, whereas intensity refers to amounts over time. Intensity is akin to frequency. For example when measuring earthquakes, Richter scale gauges its force through magnitude, and its intensity is frequency of resonation felt.

What is the relationship between the strength and frequency of earthquakes?

In the study of seismology, the Gutenberg-Richter law addresses the relationship between magnitude and frequency of earthquakes. Size is definitely a factor with large earthquakes appearing less frequently than smaller or mid sized quakes which can occur much more often.

Why do longer faults usually produce larger earthquakes than short faults?

Longer faults have a larger area of rupture, which allows more accumulated stress to be released during an earthquake. Additionally, longer faults tend to involve greater amounts of energy release due to the larger fault surface area, resulting in larger earthquakes.

What is predicted to happen if the permafrost in the Arctic melts?

Decomposing plant matter will release large amounts of carbon dioxide.

Related questions

When was the first big earthquake and what magnitude was it?

On 4 september 2010 there was a 6.3 magnitude earthquake which has left huge amounts of aftershocks.

Does tectonic plate size effect earthquake magnitude?

Tectonic plate size does affect earthquake magnitude. Earthquakes happen when one plate slides above/below another plate, to do this it takes massive amounts of convection energy from the mantle to move the plate above. The larger the mass of the plate, the more energy is needed to move it which means that large plates have a lot of stored up energy in them before the quake in question. When the energy is released the plate boundary snaps releasing all the built up energy. As there was so much energy stored in the plate the more is released, causing a larger, more devastating earthquake.

How magnitude works?

I eat massive amounts of spaghetti.

How is magnitude and intensity scale in earthquakes different?

Magnitude regards the size of the event of phenomena, whereas intensity refers to amounts over time. Intensity is akin to frequency. For example when measuring earthquakes, Richter scale gauges its force through magnitude, and its intensity is frequency of resonation felt.

Why did the tsunami happen?

The 2004 Indian ocean Tsunami was triggered by a magnitude 9.2 earthquake off the coast of Sumatra. The earthquake occurred at a subduction zone where the Indian Plate slides under the Eurasian Plate. These plates had snagged and, over the course of centuries, built up stress. On December 26, 2004 they slipped, causing the earthquake. As they slipped, portions of the sea floor moved up while others moved down. This displaced large amounts of seawater, triggering the tsunami.

Is it true that an intensity- XII earthquake would cause a little destruction?

No, this earthquake is rated highest on the mercalli scale and thus would cause huge amounts of destruction

Will there be an earthquake again?

There will be infinite amounts of earthquakes, but they rarely strike the same place twice, like lightning.

Will there be an earthquake in 2012 in England?

Yes, in fact statistically many more than one. Information from the British Geological Survey shows that on average there are around 170 earthquakes in the UK every year. However the vast majority (140) of these are small (magnitude less than 2) and can only be detected by sensitive monitoring devices known as seismometers.Of the larger earthquake there are on average 26 every year with a magnitude between 2 and 3, which may be just strong enough to be felt by humans, an average of 3 per year with a magnitude between 3 and 4 which humans would definitely be able to feel but non of which would cause damage.There is typically an earthquake between magnitude 4 and 5 once every two years and one greater than 5 every eight years. These are capable of causing small amounts of damage to structures.Because the UK is located a large distance from a tectonic plate boundary, large earthquakes are very very unlikely to occur.

What are some cocktails that start with the letter E?

Earthquake is a cocktail drink. It includes equal amounts of Absinthe and Cognac.

What is the relationship between the strength and frequency of earthquakes?

In the study of seismology, the Gutenberg-Richter law addresses the relationship between magnitude and frequency of earthquakes. Size is definitely a factor with large earthquakes appearing less frequently than smaller or mid sized quakes which can occur much more often.

How serious is a earthquake?

Earthquakes come in a wide variety of severity. A mild earthquake (let us say a 3.0 on the scale) may do no damage at all, and is just a curiosity. A severe earthquake (possibly 7 or above) can cause enormous amounts of death and destruction.

What is the effect of the recent tragedy in Japan?

Their Are Many. Since The Earthquake, Large Amounts Of Radiation Have Been Found, Which Could Be Lethal, Along With Many Deaths And Injuries. Their Is Also Huge Amounts Of Damage.