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You can't hear an En Zyme, but you CAN hear a Hor Mone!

An enzyme is a protein substance produced in living cells,influencing chemical reactions within plants or animals without being changed itself. Functioning as organic catalysts, enzymes help break down food so that it can be digested. The enzyme pepsin hydrolyses protein chains in the mammalian stomach to initiate digestion A hormone is a substance formed in the endocrine glands, entering the blood stream and affecting or controlling the activity of some organ, or of cells or tissues. Adrenalin and insulin are hormones. In plants hormones are carried in the protoplasm and act similarly. The difference between an enzyme and a hormone is due to the purpose they are designed to serve. Hormones control aspects of growth and metabolism such as the breaking of the voice and the development of musculature during puberty in males; and the regulation of the menstrual cycle in females. Enzymes mediate all reactions in cells, their structure and synthesis being determined by DNA.

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13y ago

An Enzyme is a catalyst, usually a protein that speeds up a reaction. A catalyst, as a general term can be any chemical, compound or element that speeds up a reaction when it is present.

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How is a catalyst like platinum different from an enzyme?

Catalysts are compounds that change the speed of chemical reactions. An enzyme is a protein and also a catalyst. So an enzyme can be a catalyst, but a catalyst can't be an enzyme.

How can an enzyme be a catalyst?

An enzyme has the role of a catalyst but in biochemistry.

What is a catalyst in biology?

A catalyst is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction. Example: An enzyme, which helps break down food. There are many different types of enzymes for specific types of foods. An enzyme is a type of catalyst.

Is enzyme when a chemicals reaction speeds up?

No, that is a catalyst. An enzyme is a type of catalyst, though.

Who use the catalyst as an enzyme?

i use the catalyst as an enzyme. you should too. -peyton manning.

Is a enzyme a protein that acts as a catalyst formed?

All Enzyme are proteins enzymes act as catalyst

What chemical reaction is an enzyme?

The enzyme is a biochemical catalyst.

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An Enzyme

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Is an enzyme a metal?

no, its a catalyst.

What protein is a catalyst?
