

How is an individual fitted for a hearing aid?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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13y ago

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hearing aid dealer will make an impression of the consumer's ears using a putty-like material, from which a personalized earmold will be created. It's the dealer's job to make sure the aid fits properly

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Q: How is an individual fitted for a hearing aid?
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Does Wal-Mart sell wholesale hearing aids?

No. Wal-mart does not sell hearing aids. See your local hearing aid company to get fitted. Wal-Mart

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It is very important to be fitted for your hearing aid. Before buying online I would suggest having a hearing test done and getting fitted. Before ordering one from your doctor, I'd comparsion shop online and get the best deal for yourself.

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This is merely a hearing aid device

What types of hearing aids can be found in local stores?

There are many different types of hearing aids, and they all serve different purposes. It is important to choose the correct hearing aid for the individual.

Can anyone recommend a hearing aid that works well?

It is difficult for anyone to recommend a hearing aid that works well because this is the type of thing that might work well for one person and not so well for another, based on individual needs. Your best bet to is discuss this with your hearing healthcare professional so that you can both decide on a hearing aid that works best for you.

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A hearing aid

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They wear a hearing aid.

What are the causes of otosclerosis?

People with otosclerosis often benefit from a properly fitted hearing aid. The surgical replacement of the stapes has become a common procedure to improve conductive hearing problems.

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Is there a market for used hearing aids in excellent condition?

Used hearing aids in good condition are usually given to a hearing aid bank for donation to a needy individual. The cost of a new hearing aid usually includes the device itself and the professional services needed to keep the hearing aids working for many years. Because of this, the resale of a hearing aid is much less than the purchase price. Also, the warranty on a hearing aid goes to the person purchasing the device from the manufacturer, and is generally nontransferable. Therefore, anyone getting a used hearing aid will have to pay for adjustments and upkeep on a visit-by-visit basis. See if you can sell you hearing aid on Ebay or Craig's list if you like, but if you can't, a donation to your local hearing aid bank with make you and someone else feel good. Dr. Barbara Jenkins, AuD, BCABA Colorado's first Board Certified Doctor of Audiology

How to tell if you need a hearing aid?

The main cause of people needing hearing aids is presbycusis. Presbycusis is the loss of hearing as a human gets older. This type of hearing loss usually starts with losing high pitches first. For example, an individual may have trouble hearing the doorbell but have no trouble talking to a man with a low voice. Presbycusis becomes severe when an individual is around 65 years old and becomes increasingly more noticeable as the person ages from then on. There are many simple questions a person can ask themselves to see if they are in need of a hearing aid. The following questions are basic and can give a rough estimate on whether or not a person needs a hearing aid. Do you find yourself asking people to repeat what they have just said? Is it hard to hear a specific voice in a room of other sounds? Do you seem to turn up the volume of your television or music player? Do you miss words/sentences during a phone conversation? Can you hear the ticking of a clock? People who answer yes to the majority of these questions most likely are in need of a hearing aid. Many people wait too long to get a hearing aid. Once a person gets a hearing aid they cannot imagine hearing without it. It allows people suffering from Presbycusis to engage in conversations with flawless hearing. Hearing aids also allow the individual to focus on specific sounds in group areas. Many people think that if they need a hearing aid then they are deaf. This is not true; a hearing aid is used to help people that have trouble hearing higher and lower pitches that they cannot hear normally because of Presbycusis. If you feel you are hard of hearing, you most likely are. However, a hearing aid can give you your hearing back. A person with poor hearing can once again listen to the birds chirping outside, vividly hear the doorbell ring, and most importantly bring back the ease of conversations.