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keep a charged body near it. the condition is that when we it connected to the ground.

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Q: How is an insulated conductor charged by the process of electroststic induction and what is the condition for maximum induction?
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THHN is a heat resistant thermoplastic insulated conductor, usually a single conductor. Romex is a brand name for a nonmetallic sheathed cable, it has multiple conductors inside, the insulated ones are insulated with THHN insulation.

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With an insulated handle wire cutter.

What is the maximum temperature rating of the insulated conductor?

90 degrees Celsius

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Why does copper wire have to be insulated?

To stop the conductor from touching adjacent grounded structures.

Is gold a conductor or insulated?

Gold is a really good conductor. Technically, because gold is an excellent reflector of infra-red it can be used as thermal insulation.

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Can water be an electrical conductor using direct current?

Water can conduct current, but not as efficiently as a copper wire. There are some applications where a small current is used to sense the level of water through a conductor in an insulated container.