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An iodine ion is named based on its charge. If it has a -1 charge, it is called an iodide ion. If it has a +1 charge, it is called an iodine ion.

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What will the charge be on an ion formed from iodine?

An ion formed from iodine typically has a charge of -1, as iodine typically gains one electron to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

Why does the concentration of iodine ions remains constant in the iodine clock reaction?

Iodine ion is not consumed; in the first step the iodine ion is oxidized to iodine, in the second step iodine is reduced to iodine ion.

What is the name of a iodine ion?

The iodine anion is iodide. (I^(-)).

How is iodine ion symbol written?

The symbol for the iodine ion is I-.

Which of these is most likely the correct symbol for an iodine ion?

Iodine typically forms a negatively charged ion (anion) with a charge of -1. Therefore, the correct symbol for an iodine ion would be I-.

What common ion is formed by iodine?

Iodine forms the iodide ion, (I^-), by gaining one electron. This ion has a charge of -1.

What is the ion formed by iodine?

Iodine typically forms a negatively charged ion called iodide (I-).

What is the most common charge for iodine ion?

The most common charge for an iodine ion is -1.

Is iodine a metal or non-metal and what ion does it form?

Iodine is a non-metal. It forms the iodide ion (I-) when it gains one electron.

What is the most common ion in I?

I^- is the most common ion of Iodine.

What is the charge of Iodine?

The charge of Iodine is typically -1 when it forms an ion.

When iodine becomes an ion is the ion larger or smaller?

When iodine becomes an ion, it typically gains an electron to form a negative ion (iodide ion). This addition of an electron causes the ion to become slightly larger in size due to the increased electron-electron repulsion, which can lead to a slight expansion of its electron cloud and thus the overall size of the ion.