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Q: How is an octopus able to fit his entire body into any space in any regardless of that space?
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Related questions

How is octopus' able to fit itself in small spaces?

they have no bones

What is a giant octopus enemie?

The Sperm Whale, noted for being able to dive very deep, actively hunt octopus and squid.

How would bones in an octopus arms affect the way it use them?

The octopus completely lacks any bones in its body.

What does octopus tattoo stand for?

juggler able to perform many tasks at once.

How do octopus regenerate their body parts?

It is doubtful that the Giant Pacific octopus can regenerate it's arms. After 15 years of observations, none of the octopus that had fewer than 8 arms were able to regenerate. William Hanshumaker Hatfield Marine Science Center Oregon State University

How are octopus and a chamalon alike?

They are both able to change their skin colour to match their surroundings - giving them camouflage.

How is a octopus able to fit itself in small spaces?

they have no bones

Why do space shuttle float on space?

A space shuttle is able to float because there is no gravity in space.

Even if it rains are there shooting stars are in the sky?

Yes. You may not be able to see them, but they are there. A rock from space that is inbound to earth doesn't care if it is raining or not down there when it arrives. It will "shoot" regardless of the weather, time of day, or anything else.

Are Rockets able to accelerate in space?

Yes, that is why they are used in space.

Does an octopus have 3 hearts?

yes it does i found the answer in a book.

Will humans ever explore the entire universe?

It is unlikely that humans will ever be able to explore the entire universe due to its vast size and current limitations in technology. Even with advancements in space travel, reaching far-off galaxies would take an immense amount of time and resources. However, through efforts like space telescopes and probes, we can continue to expand our knowledge of the universe.