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DNA in bacteria is prepared for use in gene transfer by replicating it. When it is transferred, it is already prepared so that it can begin producing new cells based on the provided genetic material.

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Q: How is bacteria DNA prepared for use in gene transfer?
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Horizontal gene transfer in humans?

gene transfer in eukaryotes Gene transfer in eukaryotes may come in the form of mitosis or meiosis. However, horizontal gene transfer, to my knowledge, does not occur in euks. Horizontal gene transfer is when a cell's DNA is transferred to an individual without reproduction. Bacteria have the ability to accept plasmids from other bacteria, and then incorporate the DNA in to their own genome.

Why does a gene fit into the opening in the plasmid?

When genes transfer the tra gene nicks the DNA at its origin of transfer creating a pilus so the chromosome (which contains the gene) can transfer to the other DNA.

How does DNA technology transfer bacteria genes from cell to cell?

DNA technology will transfer bacteria genes from cell to cell.

Which best describes transduction in bacteria?

Bacteria transfer DNA with a bacteriophage.

What is agrobacterium mediated gene transfer?

transfer of gene with the help of Ti plasmid present in Agrobacterium which has T-dna region by which gene van transfer.

What is the process used to isolate a gene from the DNA of one organism and transfer the gene into the DNA of another called?

Genetic Engineering

A small ring of DNA that can be taken up by bacteria?

DNA is spliced into bacterial DNA in rings called plasmids.

How many DNA are there in a gene?

In bacteria, the average length of gene is 1kilo bases

What are needed to transfer a gene through a DNA molecule?

Genetics engineering is needed to transfer genes through DNA molecules.

What is recombinant sequence?

A recombinant sequence of DNA is a sequence of DNA that comes from more than one source. Examples of recombinant DNA are plasmids that are put into bacteria. The plasmid comes from the bacteria (or a bacteria at least) but a target gene has been added (say the lac operon gene that allows bacteria to thrive on lactose), this plasmid is now a recombinant DNA sequence.

What is transformation in DNA?

transformation is the process in which one strain of bacteria is changed by a gene or genes from another strain of bacteria

What structures does a bacteria form that is used to transfer DNA?

Pilus, plasmid