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Q: How is being a citizen of community different from being just a member of a community?
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How do you post flipnotes without being a citizen?

You don't HAVE to be a citizen. Trust me, I became a member yesterday and posted 3 flipnotes without being a citizen.

What does it take to be a good citizen in the community?

helping others and being involved with the coummunity

How can you demonstrate being a good citizen?

by helping around your community and by doing service to others

Is being a citizen of the US the same as being a citizen from Canada?

No, they're different. There's a US passport and a Canadian passport.

Is there a different way of being a member?

No there is not!

What does it mean to be a citizen of a country?

2 thing are 1.helping other. 2.being involved with the community

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How do you get to be a mod on stick arena?

By being a respectful, active member in the Stick Arena community.

What does it mean to be a good a good citizen?

2 thing are 1.helping other. 2.being involved with the community

What does it mean to be a citizen of the U.S?

Being a citizen of the U.S. means to be a member of the country who gives their loyalty to the U.S. It means that you have certain freedoms and rights that include the right to vote in elections.

What is the difference between an active citizen and a good citizen?

An active citizen is someone who actively participates in civic activities and engages in issues affecting their community, whereas a good citizen is someone who follows laws, respects others, and contributes positively to society. Being active involves more direct involvement in democracy and community affairs, while being good pertains more to ethical behavior and adherence to social norms.

What are the qualifications for a member of the house?

Must be at least 25 years old; 7 years being a citizen of the United States.