

How is bigfoot world famous?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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because of its big feet i think that's what people say

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Q: How is bigfoot world famous?
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Is Bigfoot one of the most famous cryptids in the world?

Bigfoot is the cryptid most seen by men. I dont have the statistics to show which cryptid is most famous, but the number of people that has seen the bigfoot, makes me think so.

Is Bigfoot in Tennessee gardens?

There is no zoo that has a bigfoot nowhere in the world.

What would happen if capture bigfoot?

you would probably become famous and rich, or bigfoot would rip you apart limb from limb.

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What famous people have seen Bigfoot?

There is no credible evidence to support the claim that any famous people have seen Bigfoot. While there have been anecdotal stories and claims made by individuals, none of them have been scientifically verified. The existence of Bigfoot remains a subject of much debate and speculation.

Where was the famous bigfoot video recorded?

The video was recorded in Bluff Creek, Ca by Roger Patterson in 1967 while on horseback. This famous footage is thought of as one of the best pieces of evidence to support the existence of Bigfoot(Sasquatch) in the USA.

Where did the bigfoot legend start?

There have been stories about a "bigfoot" or Yeti type animal in different parts of the world for thousands of years.

What is the most famous mythical creature?

BIGFOOT OF COURSE!!!! or lochness monsterthen theres lechete

What is the Bigfoot capital of the world?

Willow Creek, California.

What is the world's most hairiest animal monster?

a sasquatch (bigfoot)

Total number of Bigfoot sightings world wide-?

Since not everyone chooses to tell everyone of their sightings of Bigfoot around the world, it is hard to say precisely how many sightings there have been.

What is the World's largest monster truck in the World?

If you're thinking Bigfoot, you're close, in fact there have been over 20 Bigfoot monster trucks built to date. The largest of the Bigfoot's and world's largest monster truck is Bigfoot 5. Bigfoot 5 was built by Bob and Marilyn Chandler of St. Louis, Missouri in 1986 and it's currently used as a display vehicle at Bigfoot's headquarters in Hazelwood, Missouri. Big foot 5 weighs in at a monster 28,000+ pounds and stands a giant 15 feet 6 inches tall, sporting 10 foot tall Firestone Tundra tires.