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Q: How is bipolar treatment better today than 50-60 years ago?
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How old do you have to be to get bipolar?

well i am a BIPOLAR and bi polars have 16 to 18 years old

What can be done if you have bipolar?

From gergc I have been bipolar for 60 years. You will not find this suggestion any where in biolar medical circles. Find an "educated" (TA) Transactional Analysis practitioner. Some who are new at (TA) find Bipolar daunting. It will not cure you but you will understand yourself in relation to others better as you communicate with them. It works for me. End

Can puberty cause bipolar disorder?

in and of itself no. however there are somewhat more cases of bipolar disorder that appear in the years following puberty than in the years before puberty.

Why is modern steel better than years ago?

Today we have better control of the production process. We can make them purer, we can make alloys that stay closer to the intended recipe. We know more about various types of heat treatment to control the crystalization which influences hardness and other characteristics.

Is Abilify prescribed for ADHD?

Not as a standard treatment. Typically Abilify (aripiprazole) is used for conditions such as bipolar mood disorder. There have been some studies looking at using it in ADHD, but they are just in the research phase. So, in a few years, this may be something else to try, but for now, most physicians stick to one of the standard classes of medications. In someone who has bipolar and ADHD both, this might be a possible treatment now. ! Dr. B.

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How is the avaliabilty of treatment different in hospital different from 100 years ago to today?

100 years ago hospitals were segregated, surgery was less advanced, medicine was less advance, and insurance and treatment was less accessible to those of low-income.

Is taking 300mgs of triliptal to much for a 65 lb 10 year old?

Is the patient being treated for epilepsy or Bipolar Affective Disorder? If the usage is for epilepsy, trust your doctor about dosage. As to the off-label usage, few drugs for the treatment of Bipolar Affective Disorder have been proven to the FDA to be safe and effective in the treatment of Bipolar patients below age 18. Trileptal IS NOT one of the drugs proven to be safe and effective. Questions to ask your child's doctor; -Why this drug? Are there other options? If so, have they been proven safe and effective in this age group? -How can we know that your diagnosis is correct? Ten years old is exceptionally young (statistically extremely unlikely) for an onset of Bipolar Affective Disorder?

Does Ben Stiller have bipolar disorder?

yes, he got it when in preschool

Natural And Traditional Bipolar Treatment?

In recent years, our society has seen a tremendous increase in the diagnosis of bipolar illness. This can be explained by an increased societal awareness of clinical depression. Additionally, our society has seen rapidly decreasing stigma against mental illness. This new situation provides untold benefits to depression sufferers, who now have access to a broad array of psychotropic medicines for the treatment of depression. Counseling, spirituality and improving sleep habits are all-natural treatments for depression that must not be forgotten.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment?

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a serious psychiatric illness that causes extreme changes in energy, mood and functioning. These changes can manifest themselves in either a dramatic or subtle fashion and tend to vary greatly over the course of a person's life as well as among individuals afflicted with the disorder. Mania is the word used to describe the activated phase of the disorder, and its symptoms include either an elated, happy mood, or an angry, unpleasant mood, racing thoughts, increased activity and energy, risk taking and impulsive behaviors. Depression is the other phase of the disorder, and its symptoms include prolonged sadness, loss of energy, restlessness, inability to concentrate, feelings of hopelessness, changes in appetite, changes in sleep patterns and suicidal thoughts. Bipolar disorder is a chronic and generally life- long condition. Although there is no cure for bipolar disorder, it is a treatable and manageable illness. After a diagnosis is made, most people can achieve an optimal level of wellness with a combination of medication and psychosocial therapy.Using medication to treat bipolar disorderA number of different medications are used to treat bipolar disorder. If one does not work, there are others to try. Doctors may even advise patients to take a combination of drugs to get the best results. The most widely prescribed mood stabilizer is lithium. Lithium is very effective at removing the extreme highs and lows associated with bipolar disorder and has a history of safe use covering many years. Anticonvulsants are also used to help stabilize moods. Popular anticonvulsant medications used to treat bipolar disorder include valproic acid, divalproex and lamatrogine.Standard antidepressant medications, those used for the treatment of standard clinical depression, have not been proven effective in treating bipolar disorders. Studies have shown that there is no evidence that antidepressants help bipolar individuals. Using psychotherapy to treat bipolar disorderPsychotherapy is aimed at alleviating the core symptoms of bipolar disorder, recognizing episode triggers, reducing negative emotions in relationships and practicing the factors that lead to maintenance of remission. Cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy and group therapy have all proven effective in treating bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorder is a very serious disease that afflicts millions of people throughout the world. While there is no cure for the disease, there are a number of medications that can help individuals living with the disorder lead happy lives. The best way to treat bipolar disorder is to combine prescription medication with psychosocial therapy.

Is cancer treatment getting better?

Yes cancer will be cured but it may take a century's while to find the right periodic to it.