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Q: How is blood stains removed from clothing?
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What to use to get blood stains out of clothing?

Hydrogen peroxide

Where can someone get information on how to remove blood stains from clothing?

One can learn about how to remove blood stains from clothing by going on websites such as Wikihow or Happy Living where they have articles, tutorials and helpful tips.

How do you get blood out of converse sneakers?

There is a product called Iron out, in the past this has worked for me on blood stains as well as rust stains on clothing, but I would wash thoroughly with regular soap first.

What is the reaction o bleach and blood?

Bleach does not have much of a reaction with blood. Bleach can, however, be used to remove blood stains from clothing.

How do you get grape stains out of cotton clothing?

Hydrogen Peroxide will remov grape stains out of cotton clothing

How can you get set stains out of clothing?

To get out the stains out of your clothing, you can either you bleaching agents or detergent to soak your soaked clothes.

How can you get set in stains out of clothing?

You can either soak your stained clothing in the bleaching agents or detergents to get rid of the stains.

How to remove bleach stains?

bleach stains cannot be removed.

how can I remove blood stains using products available at home?

You can use bleach! This is a very efficient and simple way to remove all stains on white clothing, furniture, etc. Good luck!

How do you remove stains from white clothing?

Stains are removed from white fabric in a very similar way to removing stains from any other fabric, it tends to depend on what made the stain. The biggest difference is that, if the fabric isn't too delicate, you can bleach white clothing. There will be directions on your washing machine which will help you know how much bleach to use in a load of laundry, this can vary by machine.

Can stains be removed in chess boards?

Stains from chess board can be removed by using amonia which is present in glass cleaners.

What takes stains off blue jeans?

Depends upon the stain, sometimes using carpet cleaner prior to washing will help with most stains, some stains are stubborn for instance blood should be removed immediately with hydrogen peroxide.