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Medications are always recommended by most doctors, but with commitment, one may be able to go to dialectical behavoural therapy. It would come at a price, but you'd certainly be beneficial compared to the harmful side effects of some drugs.

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Q: How is borderline personality disorder treated without medication?
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What is the borderline personality disorder?

Borderline Personality Disorder (or BDP) is a disorder that can cause moods to sway, impulsive behavior, and an unstable self-image. BDP can be very serious as it can lead to suicide attempts, or even attempts at hurting others. BDP can be treated with medication and therapy.

What is the prognosis for borderline personality disorder?

The prognosis for borderline personality disorder can vary depending on the individual and the severity of their symptoms. With proper treatment, including therapies such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and medication, many individuals with BPD can improve their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives. Early detection and intervention are key factors in improving long-term outcomes.

How are borderline and narsisstic personality disorders treated?

Answer: You need to talk to a doctor, or a psychiatrist. The best methods of treatment for those types are both medication and psychotherapy.

What is the difference between the types of disorders that are listed on axis you of the dsm-iv and the personality disorders that are listed on axis ii?

Axis I is your primary psychiatric diagnosis. Medication can be used to treat a psychiatric diagnosis. Axis II is for a personality disorder. You don't necessarily have a personality disorder when you have a psych diagnosis. Also you don't necessarily have a psych diagnosis when you have a personality disorder. Personality disorders can't be treated with medication. Anti-social personality disorder is a good example. There is no medication that will make you have empathy for other people.

How does a mental institution treat people with borderline personality disorder?

Not so well due to stigma & lack of knowledge,but some can be specialized for this disorder & know how to help BPDs effectivelyIf you are referring to how BPD is treated see this answered question:How_do_you_treat_borderline_personality_disorder

Can personality disorder be treated?

Yes, with counseling and medical treatments.

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It has to be prescribed to you; if you have a disorder that can be treated by the medication, your doctor may write you a prescription for it.

How is obsessive-compulsive disorder treated by doctors?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder can be effectively treated by a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication that regulates the brain's serotonin levels.

Can bulimic be cured?

Yes, it can be treated, but not fully cured. Rehab and medication is necissary for the treatment of this disorder.

How are bipolar disorders treated?

Bipolar disorder cannot be cured, but it can be treated with medication, psychotherapy, Electroconvulsive Therapy, herbal supplements or sleep medications.

Can personality disorders be treated with therapy only and not medication?

Many personality disorders can be treated without the use of medication as long as the individual's progress is closely monitored. If close supervision is not available therapy alone may not be an adequate solution as breakdowns or setbacks can occur frequently.

Bipolar Disorder can be Treated With Medication?

Bipolar disorder can be treated with medication, but it can take time to find just the right combination of medications. A psychiatrist will evaluate your symptoms and determine which types of medications can be beneficial. Take your medication exactly as prescribed, and tell your doctor if you start to feel worse or have thoughts of suicide or harming yourself or others. Continue taking your medication, even if you start to feel better.