

How is budding and cloning the same?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: How is budding and cloning the same?
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Is asexual reproduction same as cloning?

No. Cloning is how you make a sexual system behave asexually - it is quiet complicated. Asexual reproduction is budding.

What is the production that do not need male and female cells?

it is asexual reproduction. Budding is one method, Cloning is another

How is cloning different?

theoretically, cloning is the same.

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no they are not same as the organism as cloning

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no jade is staring at ashleys cleavage

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Anemones are asexual. Meaning they are neither male nor female. Anemones can live on their own and reproduce by budding. Basically cloning themselves and splitting.

Are cloning and genetic engineering the same?

no cloning is duplicating, and genetics are duplicated items with mutation mistakes, in most cases if you want more. check out wikipedia and type in molecular cloning.

What is the same as bad?

because when the cloning is bad to you that it is bad .

Is human cloning the same as animal cloning?

Human cloning is very controversial in the world, some people think it is wrong. Animal cloning is less controversial, but like animal testing of shampoos etc., some people are against it.

What is employee cloning?

Employee cloning is when the hiring manager hires people that are most similar to him or her. This method is unintentional but usually involves hiring someone with the same background, same education, or same personality characteristics.

Three examples of asexual reproduction?

Sorry I can only think of two. Could others please add here if you could think of one more. 1. Budding 2. Regeneration 3. Fission 4. Cloning