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In the United States the number one way is through lethal injection. There have been many favored ways to conduct executions, in the U.S. hanging and electrocution were once favored methods, because we are constantly trying to find more humane, less painful ways to execute. Other method that are still used in some cases include firing squad, hanging, the gas chamber, electrocution, and of course lethal injection. For the methods not including lethal injection there are often very specific rules for when they can be used. Some states even allow the condemned to choose which method they would prefer. For more information has a chart that breaks it down by state. The wikipedia page Capital Punishment Debate has a lot of good information about capital punishment as well.

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How is capital punishment carried out?

Capital punishment is carried out by a variety of methods. Hanging is the most common. The elecctric chair was favoured in North America but this has been replaced by lethal injection. The guillotine was used in France. Another method is the firing squad or shooting.

Is capital punishment when you kill someone the police kills you?

No. It is when you are sentenced to death in a court and the sentence is carried out in a prison. The police do not do it.

How did capital punishment effect Europe?

capital punishment is the death penalty for a criminal offence. Death sentences may be carried out by hanging, firing squad, electrocution, gas chamber, lethal injection, or other forms of execution.

Is revenge justification for capital punishment?

no revenge is not justification for capital punishment

What is Austria doing on capital punishment?

Austria doesn't have capital punishment.

What constitutes Capital Punishment in your society?

in the USA capital punishment is DEATH

What state in the united state do they hang people?

No U.S. state currently allows for those sentenced to capital punishment to be hanged.

Why is capital punishment criticized?

I think it is morally wrong to murder someone because they have previously carried out a murder or other crime punishable by death.

Is capital punishment a belief?

Capital punishment is a belief and an actuality. It is not a universal belief or a universal actuality; the belief in capital punishment is only held by some people and capital punishment is practiced only in some places.

Is capital punishment practice in Fiji?

No. Capital Punishment is not tolerated or practised in Fiji.

When did Capital punishment in France end?

Capital punishment in France ended in 1981.

When was Capital Punishment Organization created?

Capital Punishment Organization was created in 1989.