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Chemical evolution: the evolution of the elements (building blocks of matter)

biological evolution: the small scale change in a population that can be passed from generation to generation

Both of these are changes that occur to gradually create a new species or substance

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Q: How is chemical evolution and biological evolution the same?
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How does biological evolution differ from chemical evolution?

Biological evolution is the process of changes that occur in living beings that can be passed on to their offspring. Chemical evolution is the process of changes that occur in substances. However, scientists have found that these substances have changed to form organic molecules, meaning that they have created life from nonliving substances.

What is the difference between chemical evolution and biological evolution?

The word evolution is a noun derived from the verb 'to evolve', which means to change over time. In science, only one type of evolution is given the title evolution in a special sense, where in a scientific context it refers solely to the changing of living organisms, the evolution of living organisms through genetic changes in populations which lead to adaptations which lead to speciation, all over long periods of time. Chemical evolution may sometimes refer to the mishmash of carbon based chains and forming aminoacids in the Precambrian seas prior to true life-formation; abiogenesis. It is not a special term of 'evolution' as that only occurs in the biological sense. It is therefore an evolution from the sense of the verb 'evolve' which merely unspecifically denotes a change.

What is the difference between theory of evolution and biological evolution?

Biological evolution is defined as any genetic change in a population that is inherited. Thats the difference.

Define the biological process of evolution?

Biological evolution is the change of animal and plant life over time. Biological evolution is used to explain changes in finch beaks for example.

What is the process of change over time?

Evolution, of course! Biological evolution.

How do mutations natural selection geographic isolation genetic drift and migration contribute to biological evolution?

they contribute to biological evolution by how they've affected the evolution rate by increasing it or decreasing it

What makes the evolution of the earth to be a part of the evolution of the solar system?

If by "evolution" in this case you mean the forming of sun & planets, the cooling down of the planet cores and the tectonic effects of this giving rise to geological, chemical & biological phenomena, the earth and the solar system are formed out of material from a star that went nova, so all the matter and energy in the solar system have the same origin, including us.

Can Evolution proceed even if there is no genetic variability?

Not biological evolution in the standard sense. No variation, genetic variability, and there is nothing for natural selection to select from.

What is the process of biological change by which descendants come to differ from their ancestor?

its evolution.check on evolution for more information

What theories correspond with biological evolution geological evolution and technological evolution?

Natural selection, I'm not sure, and Consumer-based evolution, respectively.

What was required for the progression from chemical evolution to biological evolution?

Actually, biological evolution was never proven, though still taught in schools as a fact. Thousands, if not millions of different chemicals had to have been there all at the same exact time, with the perfect timing and arrangement for even a single-cell organism to be created. The probability of all of those factors to be perfectly arranged and mixed together is 101,000,000,000 or 10 to the power of 1 billion. 102 is only a 1% chance anyway, so 101,000,000,000 is literally next to impossible.

What is evolution categorized as?

As a biological phenomenon and a scientific theory.