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Natural selection, I'm not sure, and Consumer-based evolution, respectively.

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Q: What theories correspond with biological evolution geological evolution and technological evolution?
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What is Evolutionary?

Evolution is the biological model for the history of life on Earth.

Did planets have evolution?

Planets form, and they undergo changes as they age. This process of change might be termed 'geological evolution', but this should not be confused with biological evolution, which is an entirely different kind of process.

State the difference between geological evolution and organic evolution?

The word evolution has grown to be rather over-used and sometimes even misused, and is commonly used to refer to non-biological systems when talking about them in a sense of their changes over a period of time. For example, while computer systems do not evolve in the way biological organisms do, they have changed drastically over the years through a series of smaller changes. Outwardly this system appears very similar to biological evolution, and so evolution phraseology is useful in this context. Geologic evolution refers to a system of changes within a geological system. An example would be studying how a specific area has changed from ocean to mountains to desert over a period of time. Once again, geological systems do no progress in a "natural selection" sense such as true evolution, but they can change in drastic ways via a series of smaller changes over a very long period of time. Organic evolution presumably refers to a system of changes within a biological range. This could refer to the evolution of species or traits within a species, or may even relate to pre-biogenesis evolution of basic amino-acid strands.

What is the difference between chemical evolution and biological evolution?

The word evolution is a noun derived from the verb 'to evolve', which means to change over time. In science, only one type of evolution is given the title evolution in a special sense, where in a scientific context it refers solely to the changing of living organisms, the evolution of living organisms through genetic changes in populations which lead to adaptations which lead to speciation, all over long periods of time. Chemical evolution may sometimes refer to the mishmash of carbon based chains and forming aminoacids in the Precambrian seas prior to true life-formation; abiogenesis. It is not a special term of 'evolution' as that only occurs in the biological sense. It is therefore an evolution from the sense of the verb 'evolve' which merely unspecifically denotes a change.

Why his the geological column not really evidence for evolution?

The geological column is an abstract, and ideal. What it really signifies is the mechanism of superposition, the fact that through geological times, newer layers are formed on top of older layers. The geological column can be used as a guide for reconstructing the geological history of a formation, but one should take care: geological processes, like all of nature, are messy, and geological strate can be inverted or skewed, so that newer strata may be beside or even below older strata. The inferred age of a geological stratum may be used to assist in dating fossils, and thereby aid in constructing histories for particular lineages. But in itself, this geological notion has little to do with biological evolution.

What is the difference between theory of evolution and biological evolution?

Biological evolution is defined as any genetic change in a population that is inherited. Thats the difference.

Define the biological process of evolution?

Biological evolution is the change of animal and plant life over time. Biological evolution is used to explain changes in finch beaks for example.

What is the process of change over time?

Evolution, of course! Biological evolution.

How do mutations natural selection geographic isolation genetic drift and migration contribute to biological evolution?

they contribute to biological evolution by how they've affected the evolution rate by increasing it or decreasing it

How does the geological time influence the theory of evolution?

Geological " deep " time gives ample time for evolutionary processes to occur.

Why is Britain is the largest island in Europe?

'Through geological evolution' is the sensible answer.

Why is the geological column considered evidence for evolution?

cause of county affirs