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Gum needs corn syrup for sweetness.

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Q: How is corn in gum?
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Is the xylitol in spry peppermint gum made from wood or corn?

There are different ingredients in Spry gum like vegetable glycerin that makes me think that it has to do with corn. Check out They have the information of the products they sell like the spry gum.

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What substance can't be broken down by stomach acid?

Chewing gum.

Does any kind of corn pop?

Yes and no. Most corn will pop, but there is a seed for pop corn and is grown for selling as pop corn. Sweet corn would not pop the same way or as well and corn grown to feed cattle wouldn't pop well.

What are the ingredients to make bubble gum?

Corn syrup, rubber, artificial flavor

How as chewing gum change over time?

there is different flavors and factories have made gum with sugar,artifical flavors, and high fructose corn syrup

What ingredients are in Hubba Bubba the gum?

The main ingredients to Hubba Bubba Bubble gum are gum base, sweeteners, sugar and corn syrup,and flavorings. Some also contain softeners, such as glycerin and vegetable oil.

What are the top five ingredients listed on a food label you should avoid?

High fructose corn syrup, Polysorbate, Cellulose gum, corn syrup, Trans fat, -or- MSG.

What is bubble gum made of?

Chicklet gum's orgin is from a tree originally found in Mexico. However Chicklet gum was manufactured in the U.S. in the early 1900's under a company who is associated with today's prescription drug company, Phizer.

What is put into bubblegum?

ingredients vary, but the main ones are: -A sweetener, usually sugar -Corn syrup, (an emulsifier and sweetener) -Gum base (containing resins that make the gum chewy) -Flavoring (Depends on what flavor of gum) Hope that answers your question =D -ujhk77

Is genetically modified corn used to make corn syrup for Double Bubble gumballs?

I would like to know too. It would be nice to find a chewing gum that does not contain petrochemicals and GMO.

Does bubble yum have asprtin?

Bubble Yum is a bubble gum that is made by the Hershey Company. It does not contain Aspartame. It contains sugar, gum base, corn syrup, glycerin, artificial color and flavor, and BHT.