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Q: How is cumulative effect of gravity and air resistance related to an objects termianl velocity?
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What do you get when you subtract the force from resistance from the force of gravity?

Terminal Velocity

What is it called when air resistance and gravity are the same?

Terminal Velocity

How do you figure terminal velocity?

That's the velocity at which the force of air resistance is equal to the force of gravity.

Do you get when you subtract the force of air resistance from the force of gravity?

Terminal Velocity

What do you get when you subtract the forces of air resistance from the forces of gravity?

Terminal Velocity

How does gravity effect a falling object?

If there is no air resistance, gravity will accelerate the falling object, that is, it will change its velocity.

When an object falls through the air and encounters air resistance its overall speed will be?

Terminal Velocity. This is the velocity at which the accelaration from Earth's gravity and the drag from air resistance reaches equillibrium.

When air resistance matches the pull of gravity an object hits?

Terminal Velocity

When is air resistance stronger than gravity?

When terminal velocity has been reached.

What is the speed an on object reaches when the force of gravity is balanced by air resistance called?

terminal velocity

The speed an object reaches when the force of gravity is balanced by the force of air resistance?

That is the object's terminal velocity.

How is gravity related to terminal velocity?

Based on the 9th grade book of Physical Science... Gravity is a force that acts between two masses, and Terminal velocity is the constant velocity of a falling object when the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity. So, gravity causes objects to accelerate downward, whereas air resistance acts in the direction opposite to the motion and reduces acceleration... which ties together terminal velocity.